Compare the technologies to choose the solution that best fits your safety and monitoring needs

Welcome to the future of monitoring and safety


In the world of industrial safety and monitoring, choosing the right technology can make all the difference.

There are various approaches to computer vision, but not all technologies are the same.

Two of the most common options are monocameras and stereocameras, each with its own specific advantages and limitations.

Monocameras, traditional solutions, are often used for basic applications where accuracy is not critical. However, they have significant limitations in terms of depth recognition and handling false positives and negatives.

Stereocameras, on the other hand, represent an advancement in vision technology, offering superior precision in object detection and distance estimation, regardless of environmental conditions. This advanced technology can greatly enhance safety and operational efficiency.

Kiwitron offers cutting-edge solutions for both technologies.

Why is it important to understand the difference?

The choice between monocameras and stereocameras depends on several factors, including the operating environment, the type of objects to detect, and specific safety requirements. Understanding the key differences will help you make an informed decision, ensuring that you select the technology best suited to your operational needs. On this page, we’ll explore the advantages and limitations of both technologies, providing a detailed comparison to help you determine the ideal solution for your needs.

We help you choose the best option for your specific needs, so you can achieve high safety standards without compromising on industrial operational efficiency

Monocameras and stereocameras: a comparison of technologies

Feature Monocamera KiwiEye
Distance detection accuracy Low, depends on viewing angle High, independent of viewing angle
Recognition of people and objects Limited Advanced, with customizable configurations
Handling of false positives and negatives Prone to errors Quickly resolved by Kiwitron’s AI team
Zoning function Not available Available, with ArUco support
Anti-tampering Limited Advanced, with tampering detection
Detection range ~10 meters ~25 meters
Distance configuration Not supported Supported
Heatmap for nearmiss and risk analysis Not available Available, with detailed analysis
Feature Monocamera KiwiEye
Precisione nel rilevamento della distanza Distance detection accuracy Low, depends on viewing angle High, independent of viewing angle
Riconoscimento di persone e oggetti Recognition of people and objects Limited Advanced, with customizable configurations
Gestione dei falsi positivi e negativi Handling of false positives and negatives Prone to errors Quickly resolved by Kiwitron’s AI team
Funzione di zoning Zoning function Not available Available, with ArUco support
Anti-manomissione Anti-tampering Limited Advanced, with tampering detection
Distanza di riconoscimento Recognition range ~10 meters ~25 meters
Configurazione delle distanze Distance configuration Not supported Supported
heatmap-nearmiss-rischi Heatmap for nearmiss and risk analysis Not available Available, with detailed analysis

Limitations of monocameras: what you need to know

Monocameras are often chosen for basic applications due to their simplicity and lower cost. However, they have several significant limitations that affect their accuracy and reliability, especially in complex or dynamic environments.

The test was conducted on Wikam, the product selected among five different manufacturers for its quality and functionality, in line with the Kiwitron range.

Dependence on viewing angle

Monocameras rely on the lens’s viewing angle for object detection and distance measurement. This means that changes in the camera's angle can significantly alter distance perception, leading to detection errors. As shown in the example below, if the viewing angle is not perfectly perpendicular to the object, the distance may be underestimated or overestimated, potentially causing safety issues.

The operator's position does not change, it remains the same, but detection differences occur due to the viewing angle.

Variable distances if the operator is partially obscured

Problems in accurately detecting the distance to people also occur when an operator is not fully visible. In the example below, the person is in the same position, but if they are partially obscured (e.g., carrying a box), the monocamera is unable to detect the actual distance from the subject.


Limitations in object recognition

False positives and false negatives occur when an inanimate object is identified as a person or vice versa. For example, a stack of boxes may be mistakenly recognized as a person, or a crouching or lying person might not be detected at all.

Kiwitron’s advantage with KiwiEye is its ability to eliminate false positives.

Sensitivity to environmental conditions​

The monocamera can be easily deceived by variable environmental conditions, such as unstable lighting or partially obscured objects. In the example below, in both images the person is in the same position, but in the first image, they are not partially obscured by boxes and are detected by the monocamera in the danger zone. In the second image, the person is partially covered by boxes, and the monocamera detects them outside the danger zone.

Vulnerability to tampering​

Monocameras are less resistant to tampering compared to stereocameras. Without advanced tampering detection features, such as lens obstruction or camera repositioning detection, these cameras can be easily disabled or tampered with, compromising the safety of the monitored environment.
Camera obstruction

The monocamera is not capable of measuring distance (it only estimates it), making it impossible to overcome this tampering attempt.

Camera repositioning

The monocamera is not able to detect changes in tilt or position because it lacks an internal accelerometer, making it unable to detect this type of tampering attempt.

Camera disconnection

The monocamera lacks a central logic system, making it impossible to overcome a tampering attempt if it is disconnected.


All these limitations apply to generic monocamera systems: they are not product-specific settings but inherent technological limitations

Advantages of stereocameras: the reliable solution for advanced safety and monitoring

The stereocameras represent a significant advancement in computer vision technology. They offer a range of advantages over monocameras, making them the ideal choice for complex environments where safety and precision are critical.

Here are some of the main advantages of stereocameras

Accurate distance measurement
independent of viewing angle

Stereocameras use two lenses to create a three-dimensional view, enabling a precise measurement of the distance between the camera and objects. Unlike monocameras, the measured distance is not affected by the camera’s viewing angle, ensuring reliable results in various operational scenarios. This level of precision is essential in industrial environments, where even small distance errors can lead to accidents or damage.
Thanks to their ability to analyze images in three dimensions, stereocameras can accurately distinguish between people, vehicles, and inanimate objects. This drastically reduces false positives and false negatives. For instance, a stereocamera can correctly identify a person even if they are partially obscured by an object or if the environment is under low-light conditions, thereby enhancing safety and operational efficiency.

Advanced recognition
of people and objects

Effective handling
of false positives
and false negatives

Stereocameras are equipped with artificial intelligence algorithms that learn and adapt to operational scenarios, significantly reducing false positives and negatives. This machine learning capability allows stereocameras to better distinguish real objects from potential threats, enhancing safety and reducing unnecessary interruptions. Referring to the examples above, a stack of boxes will not be mistaken for a person, and a lying person will be correctly detected.
Stereocameras offer advanced zoning features, such as support for ArUco markers, which enable the creation of specific safety areas within a monitored space. This capability allows for detailed configuration of detection zones, enhancing safety in environments like warehouses and factories. With advanced zoning, you can define danger zones, safe zones, and restricted access areas, ensuring operations are managed safely without compromising efficiency, as the vehicle is slowed down only in areas where an actual risk is present.

zoning functionality


Stereocameras are equipped with advanced safety features that detect and respond to tampering attempts. They can identify when the lens is obstructed or the camera is repositioned, and immediately activate safety measures, such as slowing down or stopping a vehicle. This tamper protection ensures that cameras remain operational and safety is not compromised.
Stereocameras can generate detailed heatmaps to analyze near-misses and risks within an area. These heatmaps provide a visual representation of high-risk zones, enabling safety managers to make informed decisions to improve workplace safety. With this technology, it is possible to monitor movements and interactions in real time, preventing accidents and optimizing operations.

for nearmiss
and risk

and flexibility

Stereocameras support remote configuration, allowing operators to adjust settings and monitor camera performance from any location. This flexibility is especially useful in industrial and logistics environments, where conditions change frequently and responsiveness is critical. The ability to configure and monitor remotely ensures that operations can continue without interruptions.

Misurazione accurata della distanza, indipendente dall’angolo di visione

Le stereocamere utilizzano due lenti per creare una visione tridimensionale, permettendo una misurazione precisa della distanza tra la camera e gli oggetti. A differenza delle monocamere, la distanza misurata non è influenzata dall’angolo di visione della camera, garantendo così risultati affidabili in diverse situazioni operative. Questa precisione è fondamentale in ambienti industriali, dove anche piccoli errori di distanza possono portare a incidenti o danni.

Riconoscimento avanzato di persone e oggetti

Grazie alla loro capacità di analizzare le immagini in tre dimensioni, le stereocamere possono distinguere con precisione tra persone, veicoli, e oggetti inanimati. Questo riduce drasticamente i falsi positivi e i falsi negativi. Ad esempio, una stereocamera può identificare correttamente una persona anche se parzialmente oscurata da un oggetto o se l'ambiente è in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione, migliorando così la sicurezza e l’efficienza operativa.

Gestione efficace dei falsi positivi e negativi

Le stereocamere sono dotate di algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale che apprendono e si adattano agli scenari operativi, riducendo significativamente i falsi positivi e negativi. Questa capacità di apprendimento automatico consente alle stereocamere di riconoscere meglio gli oggetti reali rispetto alle minacce, migliorando la sicurezza e riducendo le interruzioni inutili. Tornando agli esempi sopra, una pila di scatole non verrà confusa con una persona e una persona sdraiata sarà rilevata correttamente.

Funzionalità di zoning avanzato

Le stereocamere offrono funzioni di zoning avanzato, come il supporto per i marker ArUco, che consentono la creazione di aree di sicurezza specifiche all'interno di uno spazio monitorato. Questa capacità permette una configurazione dettagliata delle zone di rilevamento, migliorando la sicurezza in ambienti come magazzini e fabbriche. Con il zoning avanzato, puoi definire zone pericolose, zone sicure, e aree di accesso limitato, garantendo che le operazioni siano gestite in modo sicuro senza comprometterne l'efficienza, poiché il mezzo viene rallentato solo nelle zone dove è presente un rischio effettivo.

Capacità anti-manomissione avanzata

Le stereocamere sono dotate di funzioni di sicurezza avanzate che rilevano e rispondono ai tentativi di manomissione. Possono identificare quando l'ottica è oscurata o la telecamera è riposizionata, e attivare immediatamente misure di sicurezza, come rallentare o fermare un veicolo. Questa protezione contro la manomissione garantisce che le telecamere rimangano operative e che la sicurezza non sia compromessa.

Heatmap per l'analisi dei nearmiss e dei rischi

Le stereocamere possono generare heatmap dettagliate per analizzare i nearmiss (quasi incidenti) e i rischi all'interno di un'area. Queste mappe termiche forniscono una rappresentazione visiva delle zone a rischio elevato, permettendo ai gestori di sicurezza di prendere decisioni informate per migliorare la sicurezza sul posto di lavoro. Con questa tecnologia, è possibile monitorare i movimenti e le interazioni in tempo reale, prevenendo incidenti e ottimizzando le operazioni.

Key sectors where stereocameras prove to be the ideal solution to enhance operations

Stereocameras have become an essential component in many industries due to their ability to provide a detailed and precise view of the surrounding environment. These advanced cameras are designed to operate in challenging conditions and offer significant advantages across a variety of applications. Below are some of the key sectors where stereocameras can make a difference.
Sector Use of Stereocameras
industrial and manufacturing sector Industrial and Manufacturing Sector Stereocameras are used to enhance safety and operational efficiency. They can monitor work areas to automatically detect people and objects, preventing accidents and collisions.
forklift logistics and warehouses Logistics and Warehouses In warehouses and distribution centers, stereocameras are crucial for monitoring loading and unloading operations. They can detect load heights and identify risk areas, thereby preventing accidents.
excavator construction and construction sites Construction and Building Sites Stereocameras are used to monitor construction activities, ensuring worker safety and preventing accidents. They can detect the presence of people in dangerous areas and generate heatmaps to identify risk zones.
tractor precision agriculture Precision Agriculture Stereocameras help monitor crops by detecting pests or diseases and determining plant maturity. They are also a driving assistance solution for vehicles in the fields, avoiding obstacles and optimizing harvesting and irrigation operations.
Sector Use of Stereocameras
Industrial and Manufacturing Sector Stereocameras are used to enhance safety and operational efficiency. They can monitor work areas to automatically detect people and objects, preventing accidents and collisions.
Logistics and Warehouses In warehouses and distribution centers, stereocameras are crucial for monitoring loading and unloading operations. They can detect load heights and identify risk areas, thereby preventing accidents.
Construction and Building Sites Stereocameras are used to monitor construction activities, ensuring worker safety and preventing accidents. They can detect the presence of people in dangerous areas and generate heatmaps to identify risk zones.
Precision Agriculture Stereocameras help monitor crops by detecting pests or diseases and determining plant maturity. They also assist in guiding vehicles through fields, avoiding obstacles and optimizing harvesting and irrigation operations.
This device is helping many companies improve safety in industrial operations without compromising operational efficiency.
  • Precise distance measurement for reliable results
  • Accurate recognition of people, vehicles, signage, and objects
  • Effective handling of false positives and negatives
  • Advanced zoning for better efficiency in managing work areas
  • Ability to respond to tampering actions
  • Risk and nearmiss analysis capability

Check out some applications of this technology to support operators

Why choose stereocameras like KiwiEye?

  • Precision and reliability: accurately detects the distance and size of objects, regardless of the viewing angle.
  • Advanced safety: identifies and automatically responds to potential dangers, reducing the risk of accidents and improving personnel safety.
  • Optimized efficiency: automates space monitoring and management, increasing productivity and reducing operational costs.
Don't let operational challenges limit your success. With stereocameras, you can tackle any issue with confidence and precision. It's time to take the next step to protect your personnel and assets, optimize your operations, and elevate your business to the next level

What can you
do now?

Contact us today to speak with one of our experts, request a free demo, or get more information on how stereocameras can make a difference for your business.

We are here to help you find the right solution for your specific needs.

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