Save time and keep your fleet’s performance high
With KiwiCare, we analyze your fleet data for you and provide clear insights to optimize efficiency, so you can focus on your core activities without wasting time interpreting data.
How to Ensure Optimal Performance Without Slowing Down Work?
Kiwitron solutions collect a large amount of data on the operation of your industrial vehicles, helping you make informed decisions to maintain high productivity and avoid unexpected costs.
However, time and resources are often lacking to analyze this data, leading to the risk of inefficiencies and reduced productivity.
KiwiCare: Turning Data into Action
With KiwiCare, you don’t have to invest time and resources in reading your device data—you have everything under control, effortlessly. We analyze the data for you and provide precise insights on the necessary optimizations, ensuring your fleet remains efficient, productive, and compliant with Industry 4.0 and 5.0 standards.
Cut Costs and Boost Productivity
Thanks to proactive and timely interventions reported by Kiwitron, you can prevent breakdowns and costly downtime, keeping your operations running smoothly and productively. Focus on what truly matters—we take care of data management for you.
Gestione inefficiente | ➔ | Riduci i costi e ottimizza le prestazioni dei tuoi dispositiviCon KiwiCare, non devi preoccuparti di gestire e monitorare tutti i dati dei dispositivi Kiwitron. Riceverai assistenza continua per la configurazione, l'analisi dei dati e l’ottimizzazione delle performance dei tuoi mezzi. KiwiCare garantisce che i dispositivi operino sempre al massimo delle loro potenzialità e rimangano conformi agli standard di Industria 4.0 e 5.0. Con interventi proattivi e tempestivi, potrai prevenire guasti e costosi fermi macchina, mantenendo un’operatività costante senza sforzo. |
Gestione inefficiente e rischio di perdita di conformitàDopo la corretta installazione dei dispositivi sui mezzi industriali, la manutenzione nel tempo può diventare complessa e dispendiosa. Configurazioni non ottimizzate o aggiornamenti mancanti possono compromettere le prestazioni dei mezzi, facendo venir meno la conformità agli standard di Industria 4.0 e 5.0, con conseguenti perdite di incentivi e costi imprevisti. Senza monitoraggio continuo e supporto tecnico specializzato, si rischiano inefficienze e riduzioni della produttività. |
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Riduci i costi e ottimizza le prestazioni dei tuoi dispositiviCon KiwiCare, non devi preoccuparti di gestire e monitorare tutti i dati dei dispositivi Kiwitron. Riceverai assistenza continua per la configurazione, l'analisi dei dati e l’ottimizzazione delle performance dei tuoi mezzi. KiwiCare garantisce che i dispositivi operino sempre al massimo delle loro potenzialità e rimangano conformi agli standard di Industria 4.0 e 5.0. Con interventi proattivi e tempestivi, potrai prevenire guasti e costosi fermi macchina, mantenendo un’operatività costante senza sforzo. |
KiwiCare for Everything You Need
Configuration, Updates, and Data Alignment with Your Technician
Data Analysis and Report Delivery,
Including on Older Devices
Monthly Alignment with a Kiwitron Expert to Propose Improvement Solutions
Configuration of Alarms, Impacts,
and Batteries (if needed)
Creation of Device Reports
Periodic Check of Installation, Configuration, and Usage of Devices
Choose the Service Duration That Suits You
A one-time intervention: Kiwitron checks the operation and usage of your vehicles, with updates and configurations agreed directly with your technician.
12 MONTHS (extendable)
Continuous support for one year: Kiwitron performs regular checks of the operation and usage, with regular updates and constant communication to optimize the management of your fleet.
Discover the hi-tech solutions
designed to work in all industrial sectors
Anti-collision with Artificial Intelligence applicable to various industrial sectors. It recognizes people without PPE, objects, signs, and is capable of automatically slowing down the vehicle in dangerous situations.KeyTouch
Kiwitron's solution to save time and resources in managing your fleet. Discover how to monitor, control, and optimize the use and maintenance of off-road mobile machines (such as forklifts), enhancing overall productivity.KiwiSat
Analyze vehicle usage data to optimize costs, prevent breakdowns, and reduce downtime. With comprehensive and customized reports, you can make strategic decisions, ensure regulatory compliance, and increase your company's overall productivity.We will contact you for free
Want to learn about Kiwitron solutions for safety and productivity?
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