This website uses cookies, in compliance with the governing legislation – in particular, with the dispositions as set out by EU Regulation 2016/679, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”, as well as by Article 122, D. Lgs. 196/2003 – and with the requirements imposed by the competent authorities (including, among the others, the measures n. 229 and n. 231 respectively taken by the Italian Data Protection Authority on May 8th, 2014 and June 10th, 2021).

The placement of cookies within users’ devices aimed at browsing websites may entail processing of personal data relating to such users: this policy is then aimed at informing you about such processing as taking place throughout the placement of cookies on the device you are currently using to browse the kiwitron.com website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”).

For more information concerning the further processing of personal data carried out by Kiwitron you can access the relevant policy, available here https://kiwitron.com/en/privacy-policy-en/.


Cookies are small text files sent by websites to devices aimed at browsing the same websites (such as computers, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, etc.) in order to be first memorized on said devices and, then, to be sent back to the websites as soon as the next access occurs.

Each cookie can include a series of data – such as, for instance, the name of the server it comes from, or a numeric identifier – that can be associated either to the device used for browsing or to the user of said device; as a consequence, their use can enable the person in charge of managing the website to know if the user has already visited the website, to trace his activities and preferences, thereby facilitating the very activity of browsing as well as making more pleasant user-website interaction. Cookie-based user identification allows to analyze and keep track of the ways each user browses the website, so that data thus collected can be then used for statistical and marketing purposes.

Among the cookie classification criteria, the most-widely used concern their origin (first-party cookies, when originating directly from the Website, opposed to third-party cookies, when sent from websites or serves not linked to the Website), use (technical, when necessary to the functioning of the Website, and non-technical, when serving profiling and/or marketing purposes), or duration.


The Website makes use of both First-party and Third-party cookies, differing in purpose and duration.

Upon access to the Website, you will be given notice about which cookies are currently used on the Website by the means of a short policy, available through a banner enabling users to handle their preferences on cookies (hereinafter, referred to as “the Banner”).

Specifically, a periodically updated list available at the “DETAILS” section of the Banner is comprehensive of all of the cookies currently used on the Website, as well as indicating their classification, duration and purpose. The Banner also allows you to choose which categories of cookies you allow to be installed on your device. 

Should you not give your consent to the downloading of all of the cookies or you choose to customize your choices on cookies, the Website will only use the cookies that do not require an explicit consent on your side. Nevertheless, please remember that the very act of disabling cookies – a choice that you can make at any moment – may compromise some of the functionalities of the Website or make it difficult to browse the Website.

Although the choices you make through the Banner will be memorized for at least six months, you may be required to make the same choices again, in the following cases:

  • consistent change in one or more conditions of the processing carried out by the use of cookies (e.g., due to the implementation of new cookies on the www.kiwitron.it Website). In this case, the Banner will inform you of the changes occurred to the Website and you will be asked to make your choices on cookies again;
  • impossibility or difficulty, on the side of Kiwitron, of establishing whether a cookie has already been saved on your device. This may be the case when, e.g., you decide to delete cookies that have been legitimately installed upon your device, without being possible, for Kiwitron, to trace your willingness to keep default settings related to cookies, or when you decide to keep on browsing without being traced throughout cookies (as in the case of private browsing).

We also remember you that the Website allows you to revisit your choices at any moment through the dedicated section of the Banner accessible from any page of the Website through the symbol

In the event that you desire to make an even more specific choice about cookies, you will be able to use the functionalities set up by your browser – as per the following sections – allowing you to enable or disable each cookie.


This section will provide users with additional information useful to the understanding of the criteria for the classification of cookies implemented by Kiwitron.


First-party cookies directly originate from the Website. Kiwitron is the controller of the personal data that may be associated with such cookies, that is to say, Kiwitron is the subject determining the purposes of the processing of personal data collected through the use of said cookies.

Third-party cookies  are, instead, those sent by websites different to those directly linked to Kiwitron. Such cookies serve purposes that are exclusive to said sites and independent from the ones pursued by Kiwitron; as a consequence, third parties are held as responsible of the processing of personal data carried out by them as the relevant data controllers. It will therefore be necessary to refer to the policies specifically set out by third parties in order to acknowledge the information about personal data processing carried out by such third parties.

In the “DETAILS” section of the Banner, third-party cookies are clearly shown as such and you may, as well, find the link to the personal data processing policies made available by third parties. For convenience purposes, the same links can be retrieved at the end of this document, under the “LIST OF THIRD PARTIES” section.


The amount of time during which the cookies will be stored on the Website is indicated, for each cookie, in the “DETAILS” section of the Banner.

The duration of session cookies is limited to a single session on the browser (meaning the software used to access the Website through your device, including, but not limited to Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari), meaning such cookies are automatically deactivated by the time the browser is closed.

By contrast, persistent cookies have a predefined expiry date, until the reach of whom they are saved in the device and held as active, still collecting information during different browsing sessions.


Technical cookies, as the ones being strictly necessary to the correct functioning of a website, are thereby defined as “necessary” in the “DETAILS” section of the Banner.


The use of this class of cookies does not require your prior consent: of course, you may decide to disable them by changing your browser settings. However, in this case, you may face some issues viewing the Website.

Cookies other than technical ones, still necessary to the correct functioning of a website, can serve multiple purposes.

Some cookies allow websites to memorize preferences and settings as chosen by the user, maximizing browsing experience within the Website (functionality cookies).

Other enable the gathering of statistics on the use of the website by memorizing the choices made upon a website and data pertaining to browsing in order to carry out statistics – in an anonymised and aggregated form – that may then be used to enhance the performance of the Website, with the ultimate purpose of providing the user with a better browsing experience (analytics cookies).

Kiwitron uses functionality cookies and analytics cookies only upon your declaration of consent, that you may give by selecting the “PREFERENCE” and “STATISTICS” options in the Banner or in its “DETAILS” section.

Targeting cookies are, instead, used to link to specific users actions and behavioral patterns that are recurring within the browsing of the website that are then gathered to create separate profiles, so that the data controller (either Kiwitron, as first party, or other third parties setting specific cookies) can customize its service more than what it is strictly necessary to the functioning of the service, as well as sending personalized advertising notices, meaning, compliant with the preferences shown by users while browsing the Website.

In particular, the Website makes use of advertising targeting cookies, allowing the Website to create a customized profile aimed at providing the user with advertising content coherent to the preferences shown during the browsing of the Website.

Retargeting cookies are meant to send you promotional content relating to the products towards which you have shown interest.

Lastly, social cookies – as the ones pertaining to social networks plug-ins incorporated within the site (specifically, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube) – fall within the control of third parties and allow you to view advertisements tailored to your preferences.

Kiwitron also uses targeting cookies only upon your declaration of consent, that you may give by selecting the “PREFERENCE” and “STATISTICS” options in the Banner or under its “DETAILS” section.


The purpose of personal data processing may vary depending on the types of cookies.

  • As to technical cookies, the purpose of processing is to ensure the correct functioning of the website, allowing you to access its functions;
  • As to functionality cookies, to enhance browsing and improve the accessibility of the website;
  • As to analytics cookies, to gather statistics on the website to optimize its performance and offer a better browsing experience;
  • As to targeting cookies, to make the service offered by Kiwitron more suited to users’ preferences as expressed within the context of online browsing, as well as to send customized advertisements to users.

The list of cookies as laid out in the “DETAILS” section of the Banner features, for each cookie currently used on the website, a description of the function and the purpose specifically served by the cookie.

With regards to the legal basis of the processing of personal data incorporated in the cookies used on the website, as to technical cookies, processing occurs on the basis of the legitimate interest of Kiwitron, in compliance with Article 6, letter f), GDPR:

  • To ensure the correct functioning of the site;
  • To carry out the promotion of its product and services by the means of the kiwitron.it website;
  • To provide support in the field of the products sold by Kiwitron, as well as to adopt cybersecurity systems;
  • To the management of the website;
  • To the defence of its rights.

On the other hand, processing of personal data encompassed in functionality, analytics and targeting cookies is based upon your specific consent, in accordance with Article 6, letter a), GDPR. You may revoke such consent at any moment through the Banner.


Kiwitron limits access to personal data collected by the means of cookies and other identifiers as much as possible.

In particular, only specifically authorized personnel will be able to access such data and only to the extent it is necessary to the performance of their own professional task.

The personnel of Kiwitron carry out activities of processing of personal data in accordance with – and exclusively within the limits set out by – the dispositions laid out by Kiwitron.

Your personal data may also be communicated to third parties Kiwitron collaborates with within the context of its business.

These subjects process only the amount of personal data necessary to the execution of the tasks that have been agreed upon, both as processors (meaning, in compliance with the instructions set out by Kiwitron) and as autonomous controllers of the processing.

Providers of the said services belong to the following classes:

  • Providers of IT services;
  • Consultants and lawyers assisting Kiwitron in judicial cases, in requests from the competent Authorities, and in matters of compliance with legal duties
  • Communication agencies.

You can access the list of the subjects that are responsible for the processing as chosen by Kiwitron by sending a specific request to the following e-mail address: privacy@kiwitron.it.


The Website features links, widgets and/or plugins to some of the main social networks (specifically, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube).

Users can interact with such platforms also by sharing content from the Website on their profiles, thereby letting Kiwitron benefit from additional exposure of its activities and products.

The very availability of links to social networks may entail the installation of third-party cookies (including targeting cookies), and, overall, the processing of your personal data by subjects other than Kiwitron, especially with reference to collection and delivery of said data to social networks, even if you are not registered to any of them.

For further information on this very last activity of processing of personal data, we invite you to check out the relevant policies as set out by social networks, through the links featured in the following chart.

However, it is worth noting that cookie profiling within social networks takes place at the very moment the user clicks on the icons of social networks, giving the same icons access to the sharing functionalities.

You may also find information concerning the processing of data that has been collected by clicking on the following links:


As set out by the applicable legislation, a detailed list of third-parties installing cookies through the kiwitron.com, website, as well as links redirecting to the processing of personal data carried out by each third party, will follow. Additional information may always be found under the “DETAILS” section of the Banner.

Google Tag Manager




As shown above, you can edit your preferences on cookies at any moment through the dedicated Banner section.

You will find further information relating to other tools that may be used to manage cookies setup on your device. 

Opt-out through browser

First-party cookies available on the website may be disabled through the browser settings. We remind you that opting out of some of the cookies may be detrimental to the browsing experience of the website or to the functioning of some of the services provided thereof.

Every browser features different settings-management procedures. With regards to the most widespread browsers, additional information about such procedures is available at the following links:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge 

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari (desktop)

Apple Safari (mobile)


On the contrary, third-party cookies can be disabled through opt-out links, by directly accessing their cookie policies:


By accessing the website www.youronlinechoices.com/en/ you can gather information about cookies and verify which ones are installed on your device, as well as – when possible – disable them.

(Last update 15th April, 2022)