Home > Quality, certifications & compliance
Kiwitron's management recognizes the importance of offering safe and reliable products and services that meet customer needs and comply with current regulations.
A thorough analysis of the context, along with an assessment of the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, is essential for defining strategies.
Kiwitron's Quality Management System represents planned and systematic organizational processes that involve the entire company structure, aiming for maximum customer satisfaction.
The management and all departments are committed to ensuring constant improvement in the quality, reliability, innovation, and efficiency of products and services. This goal can only be achieved with the active contribution of all staff, suppliers, and customers.
The management intends to continue the implementation and improvement of the Quality Management System, in compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, verifying its effectiveness and updating it according to business strategies and customer needs.
Management requires maximum commitment from all responsible parties in the implementation of the Quality Management System. The Quality System Manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations and reporting to management on the system's performance.
All employees of Kiwitron S.r.l. are informed about company objectives in terms of quality and continuous improvement, actively participating in their achievement. This policy is communicated and disseminated internally and, upon request, to relevant stakeholders.
Kiwitron firmly believes in safety and dedicates itself every day to making the workplace a safer environment. Its mission aligns with institutions and associations, actively collaborating to promote a safety culture it considers essential. The company is convinced that only through collective and continuous commitment can this fundamental value be fostered and ingrained in every work environment.
Kiwitron believes in the power of collaboration to continuously improve the solutions offered to its customers. The company works in synergy with other industry players to enhance and refine its products, ensuring they are suitable for various industrial environments. Thanks to these strategic partnerships, Kiwitron is able to develop innovative and highly specialized solutions, efficiently meeting the specific needs of customers and the requirements of different operational contexts.
Kiwitron Srl via Vizzano, 44
40037 Sasso Marconi (BO) – Italia
P.IVA e C.F. 02055970970
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Kiwitron Srl via Vizzano, 44
40037 Sasso Marconi (BO) – Italia
P.IVA e C.F. 02055970970
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